Svelte Component Test Recipes
Svelte component test recipes using Vitest & Testing Library with TypeScript
Svelte Component Livereload Template
Svelte component template with LiveReload and Jest unit testing
Svelte Inline Component
Utility and vite plugin to allow to create your own inline svelte components …
Cypress Component Testing Svelte
Example project for setting up a svelte + vite+ cypress component testing env…
Jest Svelte Testing Talk
Code accompanying my talk called "Testing Svelte with Jest: Validate Your Com…
Jest Svelte Transformer
svelte component transformer to compile svelte 3 components on the fly for te…
Jest Component Testing
Learn automation testing on component with svelte, storybook, testing-library…
Cypress Component Testing Quickstart Apps
cypress component testing quick start apps(angular, react, vue, svelte)
Basic Svelte Storybook
Learn automation snapshot-testing & visual-regression-testing on component wi…
Svelte Vite Jest Template
Svelte template based on Vite's Svelte template, but includes unit testing se…