Sveltekit Typescript Showcase
This repository shows how Svelte and SvelteKit work together with TypeScript.
Esri Svelte Basemaps Example
An example Svelte application that shows how to use esri-loader to create a c…
Showcase Guitar Chords Search Svelte Kit
A demo that shows how to implement Typesense in a SvelteKit app
Svelte Inline Markdown Editor
A small text editor component that shows a live preview of markdown formattin…
Sapper Fetch On Build Example
Shows how to fetch data before building using Sapper. Inspiration and idea ta…
Duckdb Wasm Codemirror Tabulator Svelte
A simple svelte-kit app to show loading DuckDB-Wasm, CodeMirror 6, and Tabula…
Tauri Svelte Todo App
A ToDo Desktop app built with Tauri+Svelte+Rust. To show CRUD operations with…
Svelte Component Info
Show information about the properties of a Svelte component. Designed to simp…
Sveltekit Intersection Observer
Demo code to show how to use the Intersection Observer API in Sveltekit to he…
Tvmaze Svelte Example
This repository is using the tv-maze public API to visualize the shows and ha…
Svelte Framework7 Password
Password input field with show/hide password eye button for svelte with frame…