svelte-component-info Svelte Themes

Svelte Component Info

Show information about the properties of a Svelte component. Designed to simplify the creation of documentation


Show information about the properties of a Svelte component. Designed to simplify the creation of documentation

NPM link: @el3um4s/svelte-component-info Documentation:

Install and use the package

To use the package in a project:

npm i @el3um4s/svelte-component-info

and then in a svelte file:

<script lang="ts">
    import { SvelteInfo } from '@el3um4s/svelte-component-info';

<SvelteInfo name="SvelteTitlebar" urlPackage="@el3um4s/svelte-titlebar"
info={infoSvelteComponents['TitleBar.svelte']} description="A Titlebar component for Svelte
Projects" />

I recommend using it with el3um4s/svelte-get-component-info.

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