:zap: Svelte Rollup Crypto

:page_facing_up: Table of contents
:books: General info
- Svelte onMount function used during initialisation, schedules a callback to run after component mounted to DOM
- Nearly all code is in
file. Minified Bootstrap added in index.html
- Table is partially responsive - future update: drop last 'Market Cap.' column to fit mobile size using @media sizing
- I added
and robots.txt
files to docs folder for improved Lighthouse SEO score
- Code modified to add build files to docs (i.e. not 'public' folder) for Github deployment
:camera: Screenshots
:signal_strength: Technologies
- Svelte v3 fast front-end UI library with small bundles of highly-optimized vanilla JavaScript & declarative transitions. Does not use a virtual DOM.
- Bootstrap v5 framework for styling and components
- Rollup v7 JS module bundler
- Sirv v1 optimized middleware & CLI application for serving static files
- CoinGecko Cryptocurrency API - see
example-coin.json for API response format
:floppy_disk: Setup
npm i
to install dependencies
npm run dev
to run dev server
npm run build
to build optimised version
npm run start
to run the newly built app
:wrench: Testing
:computer: Code Examples
table to display results from crypto API fetch
<table class="table table-light table-hover my-4">
{#each headings as heading}
<th class={heading == "Coin" ? "px-3" : ""}>{heading}</th>
{#each filteredCoins as coin, i}
style="width: 1.5rem"
class="img-fluid mx-2"
<span class="ms-3">
<span class="text-uppercase">
class={coin.price_change_24h > 0
? "bg-success text-white font-weight-bold"
: "bg-danger text-white font-weight-bold"}
:cool: Features
- compact build folder - weighs 88KB
- Deployed with 100% Perfect lighthouse score
:clipboard: Status & To-Do List
- Status: Working. Deployed to Github Pages
- To-Do: Add PWA if this is possible in Svelte
:clap: Inspiration
:file_folder: License