rollup-plugin-svelte-component-ioc Svelte Themes

Rollup Plugin Svelte Component Ioc

Replaces direct references to svelte components with dynamic references fetched from a dependency store.


Replaces direct references to svelte components with dynamic references fetched from a dependency store.

Svelte websites become editable by end-users by replacing component definitions at runtime.

Why? Because I believe users should have full control over their digital experience.

Watch a demo video at

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This is an unpublished prototype library. You'll have to install it manually. In package.json, add, "rollup-plugin-svelte-component-ioc": "git+"

Then, in rollup.config.js,

import componentIoc from 'rollup-plugin-svelte-component-ioc';

export default {
    plugins: [
        componentIoc({ root: __dirname, exposeSource: true, dependencies: false }),
            dev: !production,
            css: css => {


  • root: required; the directory to use as a base to look for Svelte components
  • exposeSource: optional, default: false; whether to copy Svelte source files into the build folder
  • dependencies: optional, default: true; whether to include dependencies found in package.json in the store

Runtime usage

Adds a __DIS__ (dependency injection store) property to the window, which exposes several interesting properties.

  • subscribe(cb): the standard svelte/store subscribe method
  • get(): the semantics of get(window.__DIS__), but without having to import svelte/store/get yourself
  • replace(name, value): updates the given definition
  • async replaceFromSource(name, source): replaces the given definition after building the given source code, including transforming component imports to dependency injections
  • async lookupSource(name): returns source code for the given name if it can, first looking in user-provided code, then checking the build directory (where source files will be if exposeSource: true)
  • userSourceCode: a plain object that maps [name]: [source] for user-provided code; mainly for internal use

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