Weather App Svelte Native
A @sveltejs native version of a weather app inspire by…
Svelte Capacitor Store
A whole new svelte stores implementation that persists its values using capac…
Electron Napi Svelte Store
An Electron app using NAPI-RS and a native Rust module to implement a Svelte …
Eslint Plugin Project Structure
ESLint plugin with rules to help you achieve a scalable, consistent, and well…
Svelte Webview Navigator
A Svelte navigator for WebView-based apps that emulates the Stack navigation …
Nativescript Source To Jsx Def
Walk nativescript source to generate JSX types for `svelte-type-checker-vscode`
Sveltekit Supabase Capacitor
Sveltekit SPA-style app using Supabase and Capacitor for native mobile apps