[!WARNING] No longer being maintained. Recommended you use the main NodeGUI flavour instead.
Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with Node.js and Svelte.đ
Svelte NodeGUI is powered by Svelte and Qt5 đ which makes it CPU- and memory-efficient when compared to Chromium-based solutions like Electron. Svelte NodeGUI is essentially a Svelte renderer for NodeGUI.
If you are looking for the React-based version, check out: React NodeGUI.
If you are looking for the Vue-based version, check out: Vue NodeGUI.
Visit: https://svelte.nodegui.org for docs.
More screenshots?
File issues and get in touch (e.g. on the Svelte Discord's #nativedev
channel), and we can guide you to something broken that needs fixing!
Looking to contribute to NodeGUI? If you wish to implement a new widget/add more features and need help understanding the codebase, you can start here: Contributing developer docs.
Please read https://github.com/nodegui/.github/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
npm run build
Optionally set QT_INSTALL_DIR='/path/to/qt'
environment variable to build using your own version of Qt.
The docs generation process is currently a manual operation (text edit everything yourself). The docs are a copy-paste of the React NodeGUI docs, with some text replacement. We're also carrying around a slight fork of the React NodeGUI source in the codebase. In future we hope to clean up this workflow and make it more automatable using typedoc
just like the original React NodeGUI workflow.
cd website && GIT_USER=<your_git_username> npm run deploy
As no funding infrastructure is in place for Svelte NodeGUI specifically, please consider supporting NodeGUI instead, which would be just as productive!
People maintaining this project.
Jamie Birch |
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Jamie Birch đ» |
Saurav Sahu đ» |
Jonas Grunert đ» |
LukeyBeachBoy đ» |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!