Svelte Maplibre Components
This repository to manage packages of svelte maplibre components for water ap…
Sveltekit Watergis Template
This repository is a sveltekit template to develop GIS for water application …
Svelte Template Maplibre Gl Js
A quick way to start a web map application with Svelte using MapLibre GL JS.
A demo of serving Planetiler or otherwise generated mbtiles to a MapLibre app…
Get Started Svelte Maplibre Gl Js
Quick way to star a web map application with MapLibre GL JS using Svelte
Maptiler Geocoding Control
The Javascript & TypeScript Map Control component for MapTiler Geocoding serv…
Svelte Maplibre Attribute Popup
This is a svelte component to add attribute popup plugin to maplibre.
Maplibre Gl Layer Manager
Svelte component for map visiblity, opacity, and filtering by tags to MapLibr…