

Civitas is a web map application that allows you to visit new cities and places by flying smoothly and randomly all around the globe.

Let's start visiting new cities here!

:warning: Important! Civitas is not optimized for mobile devices yet, so if you check it with your phone the experience could not be as expected.

Build With

This project was generated with npx degit maptiler/svelte-template-maplibre-gl-js



npm install npm@latest -g


Clone the repo

  git clone

Navigate to the newly created project

  cd civitas

Install the NPM packages dependencies

  npm install

API keys

Rename or copy the .env.example file to .env

  cp .env.example .env

Open the .env file but :warning: you will need to insert your own MapTiler and RapidAPI API keys.

:information_source: If you don't have a MapTiler API key, you can create it for free here. If you don't have a RapidAPI API key, go there.


To start your local environment, run:

  npm run dev

You will find your app on address http://localhost:5000/.

Now you should see the app in your browser.


To build for production, run:

  npm run build


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Favicon credits to Freepik in Flaticon.

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