svelte-local-gpx-viewer Svelte Themes

Svelte Local Gpx Viewer

Local-first GPX & Geojson routes display


A small collection of Svelte components to load GPX files (local first, persisted in browser's indexedDB) and display them.

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Using the components in a Svelte/Sveltekit project

See Documentation website:

Using the components in pure JS



Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open

Everything inside src/lib is part of your library, everything inside src/routes which id used for the demo app.


To build and package the library (Svelte version):

npm run package

To create a production version of the showcase app:

npm run build

You can them preview the showcase app build with npm run preview.

Vanilla JS

To create a vanilla JS version of the library:

npm run build && npm run build:vanilla

This will create a dist-js folder with the compiled library.

  • [] add an HTML file to the dist-js folder to test the integration of the library in a vanilla JS project.
  • [] add a file to the dist-js folder to explain how to use the library in a vanilla JS project.



To publish the library to npm:

npm publish

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