Demo of Svelte framework + OpenLayers + Esri Javascript API
ES6/Svelte-based web interface for meteocool, a rain radar with storm trackin…
Simple svelte.js and openlayers application to create scrollytelling maps
The Javascript & TypeScript Map Control component for MapTiler Geocoding serv…
Svelte/Webpack Template with OpenLayers
Exploration of switching from mapbox to openlayers
Reproduction of SvelteKit adapter issue with OpenLayers imports
OpenLayers Map | CSS custom grid with custom mountain | Chart ##SvelteKit
This is only used t reproduce a bug in OpenLayers and SvelteKit
A basic tool to create "storytelling" applications using svelte and openlayers
side project mapping meteorites that landed on Earth -- openlayers and svelte…
Open Source Map libraries in JS with Svelte
Explore integrations for an self-administrable personal website.