Sveltekit Image Plugin
SvelteKit demo code for using vite-imagetools to add cached, responsive, Next…
Svelte Layout Components
Being inspired from, Svelte3 and https://colorsuppl…
Svelte Slider Navbar Responsive
* Navbar with Tabs * Svelte, Tailwind * Responsive layout * DEMO svelte-navba…
Creditdesign Svelte Components
Svelte layout components used to build interactive graphics and articles.
Svelte Spa Router Purecss Sidebar
demo/template svelte app using svelte-spa-router and purecss responsive sideb…
Rollup Plugin Layout Intercept
Replaces the App.svelte import in main.js with a Golden Layout wrapper compon…
Modalfilemanager Nwjs
A web technology based file manager built with NW.js, Svelte, and Node.js. It…
Awoo Svelte Ssg Template
A basic tremplate to start with awoo static site generator using svelte compo…