
A component to create a responsive layout for your Svelte app.


Example | Code Sandbox


npm i svelte-fluid-layout

This package has no dependencies.


There are five slots (header, main, footer, side1, and side2). When using all of them, you achieve a (responsive) holy grail layout, like the above screenshot.

  import Layout from "svelte-fluid-layout";

  <header slot="header">My Header</header>
  <section slot="side1">My Section</section>
  <main slot="main">My Main</main>
  <aside slot="side2">My Aside</aside>
  <footer slot="footer">Footer</footer>

  :global(.svelte-fluid-layout-large main) {
    width: 66%;

You can use .svelte-fluid-layout-large .my-element and .svelte-fluid-layout-small .my-element to target your slotted elements at either display size, small or large.

Give a width to the main slot on large screens (see style section above), as by default main only takes up the size of its inner content (which will be collapsed at first with no content). side1 and side2 share whatever is left over.

The side1 and side2 slots are not required, hence you don't have to use the holy grail layout.



The breakpoint at which the layout switches from horizontal to vertical. Valid values are:

  • "sm" (640px)
  • "md"(768px),
  • "lg"(1024px),
  • "xl"(1200px).

The default value is "sm";

<Layout breakpoint='md'>
  <!-- slots -->

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