
Svelte Grid Layout

Svelte Layout Editor is a tool that make it easier to create a page template for applications built with Svelte.

✨ Svelte Grid Layout ✨


Svelte Grid Layout is a tool that make it easier to create a page template for applications built with Svelte.

The page templates specify the layout of the page through a set of predetermined rules of how the components of the page should be laid out.


All the nitty gritty details, such as responsive sizing and styling, has already been taken care of by Svelte Grid Layout, and will be ✨ automagically ✨ generated as long as you provide data for the starting point.

Therefore, you can focus entirely on the content part of your app, without having to worry about the layout. Once you have the layout that you want, it's easy to reuse and apply the same one to multiple pages.


npm install svelte-grid-layout


svelte ^3.44.2

Import & Use component

  import { Grid, Row, Column } from "svelte-grid-layout";

    <Column height="1" width="4">
      {your content}



Prop Type Description
width number Cell (column) width.
height number Cell (row) height


Link to example

Future development

The goal for Svelte Grid Layout is a tool that gives the user a graphical interface to create a page template for applications built with Svelte. This will be possible through arrow-buttons that lets the user add rows or columns and resize individual columns. Other possible upcomming features are: drag and drop, change the spacing between columns and animation for smooth transitions.

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