Seri Belajar Pemrograman
seri belajar pemrograman untuk pelajar smp/sma. dari nol sampai mahir. HTML, …
Svelte Rollup Images App
Svelte starter template with component-relative images in both HTML & CSS. Ro…
Interactive Pricing Component Challenge
A challenge from Built with HTML, CSS, and Svelte
Svelte Simple Text Editor
A (very very very) simple html,css,js editor with live results preview built …
Animated Form Password Meter
Animated signup form with HTML & CSS and a password strength calculator with …
My first "big" svelte app which lets you manage todos, that are saved into th…
Static Archive Viewer
Standalone Static Archive Viewer for the Orcfax Explorer, made from Svelte, H…
Electron Svelte Express Boilerplate
This boilerplate provides a solid foundation for developing Windows applicati…