Foodsaver-Backend-Sveltekit-HTML-CSS-JAVASCRIPT-API Svelte Themes

Foodsaver Backend Sveltekit Html Css Javascript Api

Resolving issues with merging branches with conflicting .db files

  1. Delete JUST the conflicting .db files from your local repository. File location is your repo/microservice-causing-the-issue/code.
  2. Push the repository with the deleted .db files to a different branch than you are trying to merge to
  3. Merge the branch you just pushed to with the branch you are trying to push to
  4. Navigate to the your repo/microservice-causing-the-issue/code in the terminal
  5. Run commands:

    npx knex migrate:rollback npx knex migrate:latest npx knex seed:run

Resolving issues with Knex not finding sqlite3 node modules while trying to run migrations or docker compose

  1. Open a powershell terminal
  2. Navigate to the your repo/microservice-causing-the-issue/code in the terminal
  3. Run command:

(powershell terminal) Remove-Item -Recurse -Force .\node_modules
Remove-Item -Force .\package-lock.json

(bash terminal) rm -rf .\node_modules rm -rf .\package-lock.json

Do these steps only if you have issues with migrations

  1. Run command: npm install
  2. (If you need to run migrations, do it now, as this workaround will stop working when running docker compose up)
  3. Once you are done with migrations or seeders, run this command again:

(powershell terminal) Remove-Item -Recurse -Force .\node_modules
Remove-Item -Force .\package-lock.json

(bash terminal) rm -rf .\node_modules rm -rf .\package-lock.json

Do these steps only if you encounter problems with docker compose

  1. Make sure to run docker compose up WITHOUT RUNNING NPM INSTALL!!!
  2. Docker composer should be running.

Backend example

In this backend example for a project, a folder is created for each micoservice.

  1. Install docker to your system
  2. Run docker compose up and you are good to go


We use ES6 module system to import and export modules.


We save credentials to other services in a variables.env file. This file is included in this template. However, it is common use not to include it in a public repository. There are some default key value pairs included to demonstrate its working.


You can change the ports of your server via variables.env

  • Microservice: sample microservice running on port:3011
  • Apigateway: sample API Gateway - running on port:3010


Check the readme files of each container to understand the setup

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