This is a solution to the Interactive pricing component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
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I felt like using Svelete was a bit overkill for this project, but I found it extremely easy and straightforward to use. It helped where I needed to use Javascript. Making each piece of the website its own component certainly helped as well ensuring that each piece is stylized appropiately.
I wanted to talk a bit about how neat Svelte is. I was easily able to change the website based off the screen width. Check this out:
{#if window.innerWidth >= 1440}
<p id="discount-special">-25% discount</p>
<p id="discount-special">-25%</p>
Same with the slider, I'm referencing a Javascript variable in my HTML. A big game changer if you ask me.
let range = 16;
function handleSlide() {
range = this.value;
<div class="price">
<p id="big-money">${range.toString() + '.00'}</p>
<p id="month">/ month</p>
In future projects, I hope to continue using Svelte. I hope to do something a bit more ambitious with Javascript.
display: flex
more in this project and I've finished the project faster by practicing on here.Special thanks to ApplePieGiraffe on the Frontend Mentor Slack for providing guidance. For anyone out there worried about getting it right, here's some knowledge for you:
"Don't worry too much about your solution not matching up with the original design in the design preview perfectly—that isn't the main point of Frontend Mentor challenges and it's often a little more difficult and time-consuming than is worth it to get very accurate results."
This has definitely helped me from pixel peeping to make sure it's just right.