Svelte Magic UI, Svelte Aceternity UI, Svelte Components build using Tailwind…
An animation library for Svelte based on framer-motion.
High Quality Animations build using Svelte & Svelte Motion
Use BabylonJS like A-Frame through reactive Svelte Components.
Svelte animation library inspired by the React library framer-motion.
Svelte A-Frame Web Components - high performance reactive development kit for…
light web frame work developed by C++/Svelte/Stimulus
Amazing Quick Component using Svelte 5 + Motion Start
basic responsive navbar using svelte frame work and sveltekit
Trying new Svetle Frame work
Bun + Svelte + A-Frame
Framer-motion and SvelteKit for fluidity animations. Test with Monaco Editor
test frame from svelte native
A picture frame calculator in Svelte
A-Frame project template using Svelte
one simple ui frame of svelte (demo)
Template for immersive web apps with A-Frame + Svelte
Basics to create your Farcaster Frame using Svelte
Progressive XR with Svelte + A-Frame (POC)
some notes on how to use A-Frame within a Svelte Application
A complete Svelte with Framer Motion controlled and monitored quiz constructo…
Quick start template repo for Svelte A-Frame WebComponents
Frame buffer object (FBO) technique for 3d particles
A template for js13k projects built with A-Frame and Svelte.
Svelte app to generate a weather display for the inky frame "7
The 15 Puzzle is a sliding puzzle which has 15 square tiles numbered 1 to 15 …
A little web app in Svelte to frame other sites. I use it to frame my self ho…
A Tekken move schema in Pydantic, along with a Svelte-based frontend to displ…
Presentation of a group project for a Swidish university. A Multi frame analy…
Find automatic timings for safejumps, meaties, and other setups; given a set …