Yet Another Url Shortner. A simple excercise to learn Svelte.
✏️ Convert HTML to Svelte components in a snap
A tool to convert code snippets into beautiful Appwrite-themed social-media i…
Lightweight, fast, layout snapping module. Made with Svelte.
Trackpad and touch-compatible PWA flyout sidebars using scroll-snap.
Marvel Snap meta evolves with new decks and strategies; top cards include Lok…
Stellar on metamask
Page-snapping carousel for svelte lets you share sensitive information online: End-to-end encrypted. …
A simple SPA with vertical scroll snap
Snapshot Sveltekit Lib
Simple MINA Snapp template built with Svelte JS
Image viewer and indexer built with Tauri and Svelte
Architecture diagram to MVP
My little experiment for later time to bring svelte snapshot into alpine for …
A simple web app where you can post images and share stuff...
Front-end tool function code snippet
Presentation of a group project for a Swidish university. A Multi frame analy…
Quick Svelte app to demo a dynamic loading of steps with scroll snapping and …