Yet Another Url Shortner. A simple excercise to learn Svelte.
✏️ Convert HTML to Svelte components in a snap
A tool to convert code snippets into beautiful Appwrite-themed social-media i…
Lightweight, fast, layout snapping module. Made with Svelte.
Trackpad and touch-compatible PWA flyout sidebars using scroll-snap.
Marvel Snap meta evolves with new decks and strategies; top cards include Lok…
Stellar on metamask
Page-snapping carousel for svelte
A simple SPA with vertical scroll snap
Snapshot Sveltekit Lib
Simple MINA Snapp template built with Svelte JS
Image viewer and indexer built with Tauri and Svelte
Architecture diagram to MVP
A prototype of a scrollable date picker with 'locking' or 'snap' scrolling. i…
A simple web app where you can post images and share stuff...
Front-end tool function code snippet
Presentation of a group project for a Swidish university. A Multi frame analy…
Quick Svelte app to demo a dynamic loading of steps with scroll snapping and …