svelte-fontawesome Svelte Themes

Svelte Fontawesome

Use FontAwesome icons with Svelte


FontAwesome icons for Svelte.

Based on fa-svelte with a few added options. If you only need to show an icon, that library may be a simpler and better choice.

Getting Started

The use of the yarn package manager is strongly recommended, as opposed to using npm.

Add svelte-fontawesome, along with the FontAwesome icon set(s) that you need:

yarn add -D svelte-fontawesome
yarn add -D @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons


  import { Icon } from 'svelte-fontawesome';
  import { faEnvelope } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faEnvelope';

<Icon icon={faEnvelope}/>


prop type about
class string Add extra classes to the icon
fw bool Set the icon to a fixed width
size string Set the icon's size to lg, sm or xs
stack string Set the icon's stack size (see below)
inverse bool Set the icon's color to white


To stack multiple icons, place them within an IconStack. Set the stack property to 1x for the regularly sized icon and 2x for the larger icon. The inverse property can be used to show the smaller icon against the larger one (or vice-versa).

  import { IconStack, Icon } from 'svelte-fontawesome';
  import { faCircle } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faCircle';
  import { faEnvelope } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faEnvelope';

  <Icon icon={faCircle} stack="2x" />
  <Icon icon={faEnvelope} stack="1x" inverse />


Classes for icon components must be global:

  :global(.class1) {
    color: blue;
    font-size: 2em;  /* 2em = 2x, 3em = 3x, etc */

<Icon icon={faSearch} class="class1" />


You can use CSS transforms to rotate and flip icons:

  :global(.rotate) {
    transform: rotate(90deg);

  :global(.flip-v) {
    transform: scale(1,-1);

  :global(.flip-h) {
    transform: scale(-1,1);

  :global(.flip-both) {
    transform: scale(-1,-1);

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