Svelte Typescript Webpack Starter
Svelte-Framework Starter with TypeScript, WebPack, Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, a…
Vscode Fontawesome Gallery
VSCode Extension Sidebar Panel with a gallery view of FontAwesome's 5/6 free …
Vite Plugin Webfont Dl
⚡ Webfont Download Vite Plugin - Effortlessly download and bundle webfonts in…
Shantell Sans Specimen
A minisite for Shantell Sans, from Shantell Martin, which is a marker-style f…
Ghcopilot Fontendwithbackupapidemo
Demo for GitHub Copilot using Svelte Frontend with Dotnet API Backend
Self Hosting Font Tailwind Sveltekit
Repository for the blog post 'Self-hosting a font and using it with Sveltekit…