Firebase Gcp Examples
🔥 Firebase app architectures, languages, tools & some GCP things! React w Nex…
Trpc Sveltekit Example
A sample SvelteKit application built to illustrate the usage of ✨ trpc-svelte…
Openfreemap Examples
Examples for react, vue, svelte and vanilla js using tiles wi…
Sveltekit Netlify Stripe Fauna Example
SaaS boilerplate example with SvelteKit + Tailwind + Netlify Identity (GoTrue…
Example_svelte Graph Patterns
Collection of examples and templates for working with Svelte in a number of s…
Svelte Microfrontend Example
Based on a talk:
Esri Svelte Example
An example web application that shows how to use the ArcGIS API for JavaScrip…
Example Sveltekit Email Password Webauthn
Email and password example with 2FA and WebAuthn in SvelteKit
Sveltekit Lucia Auth V3 Example
This example project showcases how to integrate Lucia V3 for user authenticat…
Smui Example Webpack
An example project implementing Svelte Material UI (Advanced Styling) with We…
Svelte Firebase Auth Xstate Example
Example of how to use XState and Svelte with Firebase authentication