Build your design system in React, Solid, Vue or Svelte. Powered by finite st…
Build your design system with React, Svelte, Vue, and Solid. Powered by State…
Tiny, expressive finite state machines for svelte
Low-code task engine built with Rust and Svelte
Practical examples of statechart-based solutions with xstate.
Finite State Machine for Svelte 5
Implementation of the Conduit demo app (aka RealWorld) with Kingly state mach…
Set of simple state machines for Svelte applications
Framework-agnostic state management library designed for simplicity and scala…
A minimalistic finite state machine library for Svelte 5
A very simple state machine as a Svelte store.
Simple game to try state machines
Svelte component for Kingly state machines
Tiny state machines for Svelte 5+
Subscribable state machines
Fully functional chess game built with state machines and Svelte
Handy state machines using the Svelte 5 Runes API
Proof of concept to wire SvelteKit component state with XState finite state m…