Svelte Storybook Tailwind
A starter template for Svelte, TailwindCSS and Storybook. You can easily star…
Typescript Eslint Parser For Extra Files
An experimental ESLint custom parser for Vue, Svelte, and Astro for use with …
Svelte Animated Icons
A collection of animated SVG icons for Svelte with customizable draw transiti…
User Leaderboard Svelte
🏀 A small example of a leaderboard in Svelte with filtering of scores for eac…
Sveltejs Intersecting Rectangles
Detecting if rectangles intersects each other by calculating each line segmen…
Reproduce Svelte error "Function called outside component initialization" whe…
Frontendmentor Challenges
In this repository, I've included most of the Frontend Mentor projects I've c…
Recorrer Un Array En Svelte
Recorrer una array en Svelte usando la estructura de control declarativa {#each}
Binary Clock Svelte 5
A fun coding project to learn Svelte 5 and to create a binary clock. I a have…
Fem Planets Facts Site Svelte
An 8-page fact site for all planets in our solar system. Using SvelteKit and …
Vite Plugin Svelte Bind Spread
A vite plugin for svelte that by default, if a object is spread into a compon…