binary-clock-svelte-5 Svelte Themes

Binary Clock Svelte 5

A fun coding project to learn Svelte 5 and to create a binary clock. I a have chosen to use a JS map structure to store a lookup table for the binary values of each digit. This is then used to set the class of each digit to either 'active' or '' to display the time.

Svelte 5 Binary Clock

A fun coding project to learn Svelte 5 and to create a binary clock. I a have chosen to use a JS map structure to store a lookup table for the binary values of each digit. This is then used to set the class of each digit to either 'active' or '' to display the time.

Get started

Fork my repo and clone it to your local machine. Then install the dependencies...

  gh repo clone timscodebase/binary-clock-svelte-5
  cd binary-clock-svelte-5
  pnpm install


  pnpm run dev


I have used Vercel to deploy my app.

  pnpm add -g vercel
  vercel login
  vercel deploy

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