Pokedex using SvelteKit
🧚♂️ A Pokedex built with SvelteKit, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript on Netlify
Svelte PokeDex Practice
This is a project built using SvelteKit (based on the Svelte library) to brow…
My first sveltekit application. A pokedex
Pokedex made with SvelteKit
A simple webapp that uses PokeAPI & SvelteKit to show the deatils of pokemon.
A PokeDex for first generation Pokemons built with Sveltekit.
Pokedex website built with Svelte, Tailwind and PokeAPI
This project is a progressive web application (PWA) built using Svelte, a mod…
A fast, svelte based Pokédex application using PokéAPI
A simple Pokedex app for Svelte.
Working with Svelte and API Pokemon
◓ Pokedex created with Svelte and Tailwind CSS.
SvelteKit, Tailwind CSS, Pokemon API
Svelte Pokedex
The ultimate Pokedex. (hopefully)
SvelteKit Pokedex
Simple pokedex svelte
svelte pokedex tutorial
svelte pokedex app
Pokedex with Svelte
Svelte Kit Pokedex - First Svelte Project
svelte practice
Simple pokedex
Little Pokedex application using Sveltekit and Pokedex API.
sverltekit pokedex
pokedex echa con svelte
pokedex svelte test app
svelte with api pokedex
Pokedex created with Svelte
sveltekit pokedex example
Pokédex made with Svelte.
pokedex made in svelte
Pokedex with Svelte, Svelte-Routing and PokeAPI
Svlete로 PokeDex 제작
learning svelte
learn svelte
Svelte Pokedex Using PokeApi, Svelte, and Tailwind CSS