A collection of advanced CSS styles to create realistic-looking effects for t…
A web-app for sharing and saving competitive Pokemon sets
151 version of Pokemon Card CSS styles
A PokeDex for first generation Pokemons built with Sveltekit.
A simple pokemon app built for learning Svelte with NativeScript
A simple webapp that uses PokeAPI & SvelteKit to show the deatils of pokemon.
This is a project built using SvelteKit (based on the Svelte library) to brow…
🧚♂️ A Pokedex built with SvelteKit, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript on Netlify
SvelteKit, Tailwind CSS, Pokemon API
Working with Svelte and API Pokemon
A fast, svelte based Pokédex application using PokéAPI
svelte pokemon app for checking out svelte router
Lista dei pokemon usando API e Svelte
Pokedex with Svelte
Experiments while learning svelte w/ Pokemon
Svelte pokemon cards css
Searchable Pokemon rolodex
The ultimate Pokedex. (hopefully)
Pokemon app build and tested with different frontend web frameworks/libraries
svelte project with search and sort using pokemon API
Simple Pokemon Searching using Svelte
svelte app for pokemon types
Pokemon page using svelte framework
Svelte demo using Pokemon API
A pokemon listing using svelte
Test Pokemons with SvelteJS
Svelte Frontpage for pokeapi.co API
A pokedex search application using svelte
Slevte-Pokemon is simple app demonstrate API fetching in Svelte
Pokémon using PokeAPIv2 made in Svelte
Pokemones 😗