swiftmarket-sveltekit Svelte Themes

Swiftmarket Sveltekit

E-Commerce solution built with SvelteKit, Pocketbase as a database and Stripe for payments, providing better performance and faster development time.


E-Commerce solution built with SvelteKit, Pocketbase as a database and Stripe for payments, providing better performance and faster development time.

You can try a demo at https://swiftmarket.vercel.app/

Getting Started

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/SwiftMarket/swiftmarket-sveltekit.git
cd swiftmarket-sveltekit

Setting up SvelteKit

Install dependencies

pnpm install

Create .env file

cp .env.example .env

Change the variables, if you haven't modified the Pocketbase database, the URL should be the same. PUBLIC_STRIPE_KEY and SECRET_STRIPE_KEY can be found from your Stripe dashboard.

Setting up Pocketbase

Download the Pocketbase file and serve it with

./pocketbase serve

Open the Admin UI and create an admin account.

Download pb_schema.json

Go to Settings/Import collections and click Load from JSON file and select pb_schema.json


After you serve Pocketbase, you can safely launch the SvelteKit project with:

pnpm run dev


To create a production version of your app:

pnpm run build

You can preview the production build with pnpm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.

Next steps

For more information, please visit our documentation.

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