Svelte Masked Password
The InputMaskingPassword component is a password input field that includes ma…
Svelte Typewriter Transition
A simple typewriter transition effect for Svelte applications with characters…
Hammergen Foundry Sync Svelte
A Foundry VTT addon for synchronising characters with Foundry V…
Star Wars Characters Frontend
SPA written with TypeScript, SvelteKit, Svelte stores and TailwindCSS. Previe…
This is a character creator made in Svelte. This is for my upcoming big project.
Devpost Password Generator
This is a simple password generator application built with Svelte. It allows …
Figma Plugin Mixed Lang Text
A Figma plugin to apply different fonts to CJK and Latin characters in one or…
Wikipedia Genealogical Tree
Search your favorite character genealogical tree with the information provide…