svelte-into-the-odd Svelte Themes

Svelte Into The Odd

Making a character generator to learn Svelte with

Into the Odd Character Generator

A small project I'm working on to help myself learn the Svelte framework.

Check out the live example here!

This is absolutely a work in progress. The shortlist of things to accomplish are:

  • Style the dang thing.
  • Add buttons for testing attributes.
  • Figure out a definite way to implement item lists
    • Currently, items have three attributes: cost, damage, and name.
  • Add options to player items to:
    • Remove the item.
    • Sell the item back (already implemented by clicking on the item).
    • Rolling the items damage.
  • Add ability for user to use their own JSON file for items.
  • Ability to change rulesets (Into the Odd, Electric Bastionland, Into the Dungeon Revised, more???).
  • Ability to roll new character that uses Into the Odd item matrix (would this violate copyright??).

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