
Svelte Maxchars

Svelte action to indicate the remaining space in textboxes or textareas

Svelte MaxChars Action

This action creates a progress bar below your textboxes or textareas to indicate the remaining space. It has a few settings to customize the bar and its behaviour.


    import { maxchars } from './maxchars.js';

    let options = {
        length: 80,
        class: 'txtvisual',
        height: 4,
        color: 'crimson'

    <input type="text" use:maxchars={options} />

    :global(.txtvisual) {
        border: 1px solid #eee;


Only tested on Svelte 3

This is so simple that it doesn't need a NPM package. Just copy the file /src/maxchars.js to your project's appropriate folder and import it where needed. All other files are just there for the sake of the example.


The action can be passed an onject with configuration parameters. If it is not passed, defaults are assumed.

Parameter Description Type Default value
bkg Background color of the bar's track Color name or code System color 'ButtonFace'
color Bar color Color name or code System color 'Highlight'
height Thickness of the bar in pixels Integer 3
class a class name to be applied to the bar element string [EMPTY]
length The maximum characters allowed in the textbox Integer maxlength attribute or 0


  • If no maxlength attribute exists and the length parameter is falsy, there will be no progress bar and text entry wont have any restriction.
  • If no maxlength attribute exists but a length parameter is set to a number, that number is the maximum characters allowed.
  • If both maxlength and length exists, length takes precedence.
  • If you programmatically add text to a textbox with this progressbar, you'll have to dispatch an input event straight after for it to be percieved. As far as I know there is no way around this. See App.svelte for a working example.


Download this code, extract it and run:

npm i
npm run dev

Or click here to play with it online

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