Svelte Typescript Setups
Examples and tests of different bundler setups for Svelte with Typescript and…
Sveltekit Discord Oauth Starter
Starter template for SvelteKit projects bundled with Discord OAuth2 base logic.
Svelte Typescript Sass
Boilerplate code for new projects based on Svelte with Typescript and Sass bu…
Svelte Highchart Bundling Poc
Proof of concept of using SvelteKit to bundle components that use highcharts …
Svelte Single Html Template
A quick template for Svelte-Projects which are bundled into a single .html file.
Simple Svelte3 Vite Template
A template for siimple svelte projects with compilation: multi components sin…
Hyperbee Svelte Component
Hyperbee bundled into a Svelte Component for use in the browser or other bund…
Svelte Real Time Chat
About Real Time Chat app using Svelte🏎️ and Supabase. Providing SASS💅 for sty…
Hypns Svelte Component
A Svelte Component importing and bundling HyPNS so it can be used out of the box
Svelte Standalone Starter
Full Svelte 3 TypeScript starter with automatic bundling into a minified and …