Simple implementation of SVG skeletons in Svelte 3 🐱
Simple app to demonstrate Svelte's `{@debug}` tag
🐥 Gallery viewer for…
A fantastic Svelte task manager, complete with cats 🐈, topologically sorted f…
SvelteKit + Cats
The Svelte adapter for cats
Svelte Cat Piano
Un proyecto guiado de svelte
Python and Svelte project + Svelte presentation 🇺🇸 🐱
Simple svelte cat app
Instagram clone about cats, created using Svelte
Proyecto de prueba para el uso de Svelte
svelte app that shows cats in story format
Svelte widget for che Cat
Project to obtain the Svelte course certificate on platzi
Created with StackBlitz ⚡️
Svelte animals is an application allowing you to see a random image of cats/d…
App basada en la interfaz de instagram para gatos, realizada con svelte.
lucky cat powered by gpt-3
learn svelte.js by using get cat gif api from
A website that randomly generates hilarious cat memes
A cat gallery for your viewing pleasure 🐈
This project is an exploration of Svelte, with the goal of creating an Instag…
Simple site with public information about stray cats. It is possible to view,…
trying out svelte with cat api using the snowpack create-app version.
Catstagram es un proyecto desarrollado con el framework Svelte que muestra im…
Analysis and recreation of the responsive padding implementation on https://i…
Michigram is a social network for cats... this project was created by @Platzi…
Showcase website of the cutest chess set you've ever seen.
A tor chat room for cat lovers.🐈
Catculator is a simple calculator for Office Cat's seasonal game: Cattery.
Trying to use the accelerometer for horizontal scrolling.