github-language-visualizer Svelte Themes

Github Language Visualizer

A website to see the statistics of languages used in your github repositories. Just enter and search for your github username!

Github Language Visualizer

  • A website to see the statistics of languages used in your github repositories. Just enter and search for your github username!
  • Enter your github username and view your basic github profile info and a detailed graphical report of your language usage overall through your repositories.
  • View a top 3 language report, a stacked chart showing ratio between language used in forked and owned repositories and a pie chart showing language usage distribution in owned repositories.
  • Install it on your mobile device as a PWA.
  • Visit site to see it in action.

Built using

  • Svelte
  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • Github API

Steps to run locally

  • Clone the repo and install dependencies with npm install (or) yarn
  • Create a file named secrets.ts in src directory and export a constant named GITHUB_TOKEN containing your github authentication key.
  • Create a file named firebaseConfig.js in the public directory with your firebaseConfig object.
  • Run npm run dev and go to localhost:5000



MIT © Pradeep-selva

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