Sveltekit Airtable Quickstart
Implements the official Airtable NPM package, making fetched records accessib…
Kahi Ui Template Sveltekit
Official template for SvelteKit based on the npm init svelte@next starter
Svelte Component Package Npm
Aprende fácilmente como crear un componente custom en Svelte, probarlo localm…
Svelte Spanish Accents
Svelte-powered single-page app for practicing placing written accents on Span…
Staf Komponentbibliotek Svelte Test
Example project using the staf-komponentbibliotek-svelte npm package
Svelte Deep Wind Preprocess
Pass scoped Windicss classes to child Svelte components: npm i -D svelte-deep…
Svelte Package Template
Minimum configuration svelte package template for publishing packages to npm.
Sveltekit S3 Upload Filedrop Presignedurl
Example showing how to implement file uploads to AWS S3 buckets using presign…
Text Behind Image Package
A framework-agnostic npm package for applying the text-behind-image effect in…