Sveltekit Airtable Quickstart
Implements the official Airtable NPM package, making fetched records accessib…
Kahi Ui Template Sveltekit
Official template for SvelteKit based on the npm init svelte@next starter
Svelte Component Package Npm
Aprende fácilmente como crear un componente custom en Svelte, probarlo localm…
Svelte Spanish Accents
Svelte-powered single-page app for practicing placing written accents on Span…
Staf Komponentbibliotek Svelte Test
Example project using the staf-komponentbibliotek-svelte npm package
Svelte Deep Wind Preprocess
Pass scoped Windicss classes to child Svelte components: npm i -D svelte-deep…
Sveltekit S3 Upload Filedrop Presignedurl
Example showing how to implement file uploads to AWS S3 buckets using presign…
Wjfe Single Spa Svelte
NPM package capable of creating single-spa lifecycle functions for Svelte v5 …
Text Behind Image Package
A framework-agnostic npm package for applying the text-behind-image effect in…