Svelte Kit Ethers Template
Typescript Boilerplate for building Ethereum dApps with Svelte Kit, TailwindC…
Svelte Kit Ssr Boilerplate
🧵 Svelte server-side-rendering built with SEO in mind. Start your project wit…
Sveltekit Prisma Foundation Boilerplate
SvelteKit Template for CapRover deployments. Includes Foundation, Tailwind, P…
Wagtail Pipit Svelte Kit
A boilerplate for working with Svelte Kit and Wagtail, based on Wagtail-Pipit
Sveltekit Boilerplate
A SvelteKit boilerplate for creative development. Please keep in mind that th…
Sveltekit Auth Boilerplate
Authentication + simple dashboard boilerplate using SvelteKit, Supabase, Tail…
Svelte Tailwind Vercel Boilerplate
Boilerplate when using Svelte Kit with TailwindCSS with deployment to Vercel
Svelte Tailwind Boilerplate
a svelte kit boilerplate using tailwind css with eslint / prettier / airbnb f…