Home automated terrarium/aquarium or other enclosed environment with a Raspbe…
browser based omxplayer remote
ws281x LED strip controller with web-based GUI for Raspberry Pi
Raspberry pi entertainment system using Svelte and Node
Desktop App and Server for Raspberry Pi to detect motion and configure actions
User interface for PDAC Raspberry Pi with Sapper, Svelte, AUI
A Raspberry Pi weather station and website dashboard
Lightweight Svelte UI for controlling LED christmas lights running on a raspb…
A webtool for viewing and managing photos from the Raspberry Pi. Coded using …
Web-based Spotify player powered by Svelte and Go, designed to run on Raspber…
Svelte app to run on a Raspberry Pi with a screen and provide a weather stati…
Display a message board using a Raspberry Pi. It's a Svelte + TailwindCSS app…
Home management and visualization system built with Sveltekit, Pocketbase, an…
Simple weather station with AM2302 sensor and SvelteKit web app
LuluCam: A Raspberry Pi-powered LAN-based baby monitoring system with real-ti…
A websocket-based chat app using Peer JS, svelte, and built on a raspberry pi…
Magic Mirror JAMStack Weasley Clock. What more can I say?