A websocket-based chat app using Peer JS, svelte, and built on a raspberry pi. The user on the pi is the host and the pi has a cam which is aimed at itself and broadcasts this video stream to all connected users.
In addition to livestreaming the pi, the pi itself is equipped with an LED matrix.
As messages are entered into the chat, the PI will display the messages on it's LED matrix and users can see this being stream via the livestream.
Pretty useless app - but fun to make and learn about Svelte, PeerJS, websockets, and to have a play with the pi.
Pretty awesome to enabled port-forwarding and watch messages come in on the the pi while messages are displaying on the LED matrix.
Demo Clip: https://link.us1.storjshare.io/s/jwsozb4heiczaappgchverilgf4q/clips/pichatstream_demo.mp4 In the clip above I'm loggin in as a client while the PI is already broadcasting as the host.
This project lives here on a digital ocean droplet: