🍛 What's on your Plate?
This is a boiler plate starter pack when starting an electron project which u…
A Svelte 5, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript built portfolio boiler plate. Just edit …
SvelteKit Boiler Plate
Sveltekit Template Projecect with Firebase auth
A convenient and intuitive way to start learning about and developing with Sv…
This is the boilerplate for svelte
Zone Plate For fun. svelte,vite
A Garden For Svelte Kit Boiler Plate And More!
its from teh boiler plate
A simple barbell plate calculator written with Svelte.
SvelteKit dev and deployment environment dockerfile and docker-compose boiler…
boiler-plate code for a svelte kit project
Svelte Website for Sleeper Fantasy Football Indigo Plateau
CLI For Grampro Svelte App Boiler Plate
A boiler plate for superbase with svelte
Boilerplate for VsCode extensions with svelte, and typescript.
A examination plateform with startpage testpage,resultpage,reviewpage using s…
the basic svelte kit boiler plate for all my svelte-kit projects
A boiler plate code that speeds up the development of the app
A boiler plate setup for custom element using svelte.
Boiler Plate Code for Svelte, Electron, Jest, Tailwind and Typescript
extension boiler plate written in typescript and svelte
Sveltekit Starter Boiler Plate with full user creation/authentication using J…
a baseline svelte-kit (boiler plate, as it wear)
a boiler plate to help with web to fivem and some other plats.
through license plate, check if your car is healthy for the environment and l…