This is just my startup kit for svelte-kit development. It's not meant to be used by anyone else, but feel free to use it if you want. I am still loking for something (a package) I can use handle form data parsing and returning json and/or array object. I tried zod but it's not working for me.
It is heavily opinionated. I will detail exactly what, in a later update.
And here are steps to be taken;
# clone this repo
gh repo clone nkoane/svelte-kit-base [scaffold-dir]
# change into your scaffolded-dir then delete the .git folder
cd [scaffold-dir]
rm -rf .git
# install all dependencies
pnpm install
# start the dev server
pnpm run dev -- --open
This has the following scafolded into it:
I do not know why you'd need to ask questions, but shoot your shot.
el oh el.