svelte-electron-ts-starter Svelte Themes

Svelte Electron Ts Starter

This is a boiler plate starter pack when starting an electron project which uses svelte with typescript ⚡


This is a boiler plate starter pack when starting an electron project which uses svelte with typescript

Why this starter pack :

  • Packed with latest svelte and rollup plugin configurations 🎒
  • Fast Auto reload of electron app when source files change.⚡
  • Typescript support for both main electron process and renderer processes 🥳🥳
  • Provides the required npm scripts and folder structure for simple to complex projects.
  • Hassle free package process 📦 to package your cool app for mac , linux and windows


Clone the repo, and install dependencies with npm install. Then npm run dev to build the app and npm start to open it.


npm run build creates a production version of the app, which can then be run with npm start. Instructions on creating a standalone executable to follow.


  • Run npm run package-linux to build the linux installer
  • Run npm run package-win to build for windows
  • Run npm run package-all to build for mac , linux and windows

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