Partyvite Svelte
A starter template for š partyserver āØ ā”ļø vite āØ š§” svelte āØ ā ļø cloudflare worā¦
Booster2022 Gather Your Party With Svelte
Gather your party with Svelte - Workshop Booster Conf 2022
Miles Fagdag01 Gypalant Case Svelte
Miles Fagdag 01 - Gather Your Party and Learn a New Technology: Case Svelte.
Svelte Ai Injection
Sveltekit chatGPT integration with dynamic 3rd party API-fed context injectioā¦
Mafia The Party Game
Web application for the party game Mafia (also known as Werewolf). Its purposā¦
Sveltekit Todo Simple
A simple todo app build with sveltekit using the least amount of third party ā¦
Iframe Manager Extension
A Webflow Designer Extension App that allows you to inject and manage 3rd parā¦