partyvite-svelte Svelte Themes

Partyvite Svelte

A starter template for 🎈 partyserver ⨉ ⚡️ vite ⨉ 🧡 svelte ⨉ ⛅️ cloudflare workers


A (beta) starter template for 🎈 partyserver ⨉ ⚡️ vite ⨉ 🧡 svelte ⨉ ⛅️ cloudflare workers

A Svelte adaptation of Sunil Pai's partyvite & partyvite-vue starter templates.

pnpm create cloudflare@latest --template github:joshnuss/partyvite-svelte

What next?

  • Change the name of the package (in package.json)
  • Change the name of the worker (in wrangler.json)
  • Change the title of the page in index.html
  • Run pnpm run deploy to deploy

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