Svelte Router adds routing to your Svelte apps. It's designed for Single Page…
Svelte template for custom elements with storybook and i18n configured. Allow…
An SPA router for Svelte that allows you to divide & conquer your app with ne…
NestJs and SvelteJs template
Svelte boilerplate with a nested components example.
Start a new webapp with fullstack typesafety, with Directus providing the dat…
Svelte NestJS Typescript Monorepo Starter
Provides writable/readable stores that can 'zoom' into the part of the store …
A nested component svelte store pattern
Svelte starter POC with router, nested routes, route change hooks, private ro…
Mini project using nestjs, prisma & sveltekit.
A full implementation of an adpater-node built sveltekit app nested inside an…
Issue with nested data in a store.
This is my test repository to work with NestJs and SvelteKit
pwa svelte nestjs typescript
Template for sveltekit + nest setup
Svelte and nest. Make powerful nodejs svelte development starter kit.
Blog UI built on Svelte
A nest starting application serving svelte spa in the front end
NestJS PostgreSQL Svelte Project
Sample application showing how to create a FullStack Web Application using th…
personal svelte and nextjs template with user and auth
Router with lazy-loading and nested routes for svelte
Example of loading data in Svelte nested layouts
sveltekit nestjs todo app
NestJS, Svelte, Prisma, PostgreSQLで何かをつくってみる
A Project Showcasing Full Stack Web Development.