Svelte components for the beautiful Logoipsum placeholders.
With npm
npm install --save-dev svelte-logoipsum
or yarn
yarn add --dev svelte-logoipsum
import { Logo1, Logo16 } from 'svelte-logoipsum';
<Logo1 />
<Logo1 color="red" />
<Logo16 color1="#2a9d8f" color2="#ffd200" />
All components expose properties to change each color. Most logos are just one color so they just have a color
property. If a logo has more than one color then the colors are numbered (i.e. color1="#2a9d8f" color2="#ffd200"
). There's no real rhyme or reason to which color is assigned to which number, so just play around until you find what you want. :)
All logo designs are from logoipsum by SignalSupply.