
Yomikiri is a Japanese immersion learning tool. As you read Japanese text and encounter words you don't know, look up the meaning and add the word to Anki flashcards.

Yomikiri is available for Chrome, Firefox, and iOS.

Available in the Chrome Web Store Get the add-on for Firefox Download on the App Store


  • Shift + Hover over a word to view definition. It recognizes word boundaries within sentence.\

  • Search words and sentences in popup.\

  • Add word to Anki. You can preview and edit the note before adding.
    If Anki is not running, notes are stored and automatically added later. You don't have to keep Anki running in the background all the time.\

  • Customizable Anki note template.\

  • View sentence translation.

  • View relevant grammar with a link to Tofugu.

Building from source

Please note that we do not support building the project on Windows. You may want to use WSL to build the project. The build system has only been tested on MacOS 14 (ARM) however, and may not quite work on Linux.

NodeJS, pnpm, Rust & cargo, wasm-pack, Taskfile must be installed.

To build for all targets, run the following commands. If you only need to build for desktop browser extension, go to later section instead.

# install node dependencies
pnpm install
# Build chrome, firefox web extensions, and get mostly there with the ios app
task build:extensions RELEASE=1

The desktop browser extensions are built into /main/build/.

To build for ios,

# Add target to compile rust for ios
rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios

Then open /safari/Yomikiri.xcodeproj on XCode, and build.


After modification, run task format to fix formatting, task lint to check for lint errors, and task test to run tests. These commands are universal, and are defined in repo root, and all sub packages and crates where relevant.


Run task dev:chrome or task dev for short.

In Chrome, go to chrome://extensions/, toggle developer mode. Press 'Load unpacked' and open /main/build/chrome.


Run task dev:firefox.

In Firefox, type about:debugging in the url bar to open debugging menu. Switch to 'This Firefox' tab. Press 'Load Temporary Add-on...' and open /main/build/firefox/manifest.json.


Add the relevant targets:

# Add target to compile rust for ios
rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios
# (Optional) If you want to build for ios simulator, add below target
rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios-sim

Open /safari/Yomikiri.xcodeproj on XCode, and build. Building automatically builds rust crates and bundles web files in ./main.

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