Image Reverse Search Webextension
WebExtension: Adds an option to the context menu to search with an image on v…
Svelte Image Encoder
An <ImgEncoder> Svelte component for editing and compressing profile pictures…
Svelte Component To Image
Renders a standard Svelte component as a .png for easy dynamic image generation.
Sveltekit Image Plugin
SvelteKit demo code for using vite-imagetools to add cached, responsive, Next…
Svelte Browser Import
Import and render svelte files and components directly in the browser without…
Svelte Immer Example
a small example app showing how to manage global state with Svelte writables …
Svelte Image Viewer
A couple of simple components for displaying content with pan and zoom capabi…
Threejs Instancing Images
Visualizing images at scale in 3D space in the browser using an image atlas /…
Sveltekit Json Import
SvelteKit JSON import: how you can use data provided from business apps and t…
Sveltekit Simple Image Gallery
Simple Svelte responsive image gallery: create a ribbon gallery, using Svelte…