mdsvex-enhanced-images Svelte Themes

Mdsvex Enhanced Images

MDsveX plugin to render Markdown images using @sveltejs/enhanced-img

Enhanced Images Plugin for MDsveX

This plugin converts Markdown images to <enhanced:img> components.


  • Automatically imports images used in Markdown
  • Converts Markdown image syntax to <enhanced:img>
  • Skips HTTP/HTTPS URLs to avoid processing errors with external images
  • Handles path resolution for various import scenarios
  • Preserves title attributes from Markdown images


npm install mdsvex mdsvex-enhanced-images @sveltejs/enhanced-img
// svelte.config.js
import { enhancedImages } from 'mdsvex-enhanced-images'

export default {
  preprocess: [
      remarkPlugins: [enhancedImages]
// vite.config.js
import { enhancedImages } from '@sveltejs/enhanced-img'
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [enhancedImages(), sveltekit()]

Now use normal Markdown-style images just as you normally would. By default, paths beginning with $, @, ./, or ../ are left unchanged while all other paths are converted to relative paths by prepending ./.

![Example](example.png) // Resolves to ./example.png
![Example](../example.png) // Resolves to ../example.png
![Example]($images/example.png) // Resolves to $images/example.png
![Example](@images/example.png) // Resolves to @images/example.png

// Title attributes are preserved
![Example with tooltip](example.png "This text appears on hover")

// External URLs remain as standard <img> tags
![External image](

Advanced Usage: Custom Path Resolution

If the default path resolution strategy doesn't work for your needs, you can optionally provide a custom resolve function:

  remarkPlugins: [
        resolve: (path) => path

Example: Make non-relative paths resolve to src/assets/images

If you just want to change the resolution of non-relative paths (most common case), you can use defaultResolverFactory to create a custom resolver. The factory's stock resolver will handle paths starting with $, @, or ./ or ../ unchanged, and call your custom relative resolver for all other paths.

// svelte.config.js
import { defaultResolverFactory } from 'mdsvex-enhanced-images'
import { join } from 'path'

const config = {
  preprocess: [
      remarkPlugins: [
            resolve: defaultResolverFactory((path) =>
              join('src', 'assets', 'images', path)

Now, images with non-relative paths in Markdown will resolve to src/assets/images:

![Example](example.png) // Resolves to src/assets/images/example.png (new)
![Example](../example.png) // Resolves to ../example.png (unchanged)
![Example]($images/example.png) // Resolves to $images/example.png (unchanged)
![Example](@images/example.png) // Resolves to @images/example.png (unchanged)



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