bytedesk-web Svelte Themes

Bytedesk Web

bytedesk customer service web chat widget, support vue/react/nextjs/angular/svelte/vanilla/javascript/typescrpt...


Online customer service SDK, supporting multiple frameworks:


Installation Steps

Install Dependencies

npm install bytedesk-web
# or
yarn add bytedesk-web

Import Component

import { BytedeskReact } from 'bytedesk-web/react';
import type { BytedeskConfig } from 'bytedesk-web/react';
# or
# import type { BytedeskConfig } from 'bytedesk-web';

Configure Parameters

const config: BytedeskConfig = {
  placement: 'bottom-right',
  marginBottom: 20,
  marginSide: 20,
  bubbleConfig: {
    show: true,
    icon: '👋',
    title: 'Need help?',
    subtitle: 'Click to chat'
  buttonConfig: {
    show: true,
    width: 60,
    height: 60,
    // icon: '👋',
    // text: '需要帮助吗?',
  chatConfig: {
    org: 'df_org_uid',  // Replace with your organization ID
    t: "2",
    sid: 'df_rt_uid'      // Replace with your SID

Use Component

const App = () => {
  const handleInit = () => {
    console.log('BytedeskReact initialized');

  return (
      <BytedeskReact {...config} onInit={handleInit} />
      <button onClick={() => (window as any).bytedesk?.showChat()}>
        Open Chat

Available Methods

# show/hide button
(window as any).bytedesk?.showButton();
(window as any).bytedesk?.hideButton();

# show/hide bubble
(window as any).bytedesk?.showBubble();
(window as any).bytedesk?.hideBubble();

# show/hide chat window
(window as any).bytedesk?.showChat();
(window as any).bytedesk?.hideChat();

# show/hide invite dialog
(window as any).bytedesk?.showInviteDialog();
(window as any).bytedesk?.hideInviteDialog();

Run Examples

yarn install
yarn demo:react    # Run React demo
yarn demo:vue      # Run Vue demo
yarn demo:svelte   # Run Svelte demo
yarn demo:vanilla  # Run Vanilla JS demo
yarn demo:angular  # Run Angular demo
yarn demo:nextjs   # Run Next.js demo

# JavaScript demo requires build first
yarn build
yarn demo:javascript


#[email protected]/dist/[email protected]/dist/bytedesk-web.js[email protected]/dist/bytedesk-web.umd.js

Open Source Demo + SDK

Project Description Forks Stars
Android Android
Flutter Flutter
UniApp Uniapp
Web Vue/React/Angular/Next.js/JQuery/...
Wordpress Wordpress
Woocommerce woocommerce
Magento Magento
Prestashop Prestashop
Shopify Shopify
Opencart Opencart
Laravel Laravel
Django Django

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