A cross-platform desktop HD wallet for Bitcoin.
junglelab build on L2 - bitcoin liquid network - digital assets - NFT - BOL2
Liquid Testnet faucet for (testnet) L-BTC, USDt and LCAD
Svelte 3 TypeScript project
Bitcoin VS Stocks - Svelte Frontend
Fetch bitcoin rate using svelte 5
Ejemplo de aplicacion SPA realizada en Svelte, CSS3 y consumiendo la API Rest…
Svelte + FastAPI App for bitcoin inscriptions
Svelte based modal for Bitcoin tips
Experimenting with loading live Bitcoin prices to be used in svelte-finances
Svelte component for tipping Bitcoin Lightning addresses
Simple Bitcoin price display using Svelte and Coingecko API
Your Personal Gateway on the Bitcoin Blockchain
Bitcoin Coverage's front-end built with Svelte
Bitcoin miner scanner/controller
Keep track of Ionio artifacts in a fancy web app
This repository was created to learn Svelte, at the same time the app can be …
made with sveltekit and run.network. view, send and deploy tokens on bitcoin …
Yet another bitcoin price calculator
A blog app written in Svelte to display WordPress posts on Bitcoin SV
BIP-39 words lookup
responsive Minesweeper game built with Svelte and Tailwind CSS, featuring lig…
A simple interface for monitoring crypt mining workers using unmineable Spatz…
Anything related the planning of lnplay.live at tabconf 2023.